All right. In this video we're going to walk through the GP gallery section. So this section is very similar to the flex themes Gallery section with a couple of additional features. And the first one here is on desktop. So this section here is the GP gallery. And this section here is the normal flex theme gallery.
And they added ten images, the same ten images to both of them. And the first difference you see here is we're centering the extra elements or the ones where it doesn't flip a whole row. Those images are centered on the page versus left aligned. Now let's walk into the settings and show you a couple more things you can do here.
So here on the, GP gallery here, I just called GP Gallery. We also have the ability to have this heading. It's built right into, the section. So that it'll, it'll take the, fonts from the, the themes, font settings as opposed to the, the rich text, which I always do not like, the rich text element that comes with the theme, because you have to specify the font every time.
So the next thing on top of that is we have the ability now to add a background color. So let's just put a background color in and we use background colors a lot of humor to help differentiate between content. Now on desktop and things are more obvious. Like what's a group of things because you have a heading at the top and then that kind of stuff.
But on mobile it becomes more difficult to tell the difference. Right? So let's, save that background and let's just go out to the front end here and refresh. And here you can see, you know, this group is together with that heading all in the same background, where the standard element doesn't allow us to do that. Now we do a lot more also for options on mobile display.
And what we're finding is that horizontal scroll is becoming less and less intuitive for people. The more they get used to things like Instagram and TikTok or just scrolls forever. So I'm a big fan of using the stacked display on mobile. So let's just go to our mobile view here inside of the theme. All right. And we'll also here go to a mobile view.
Like so now down on the mobile area here right. We usually use stacked. Like I said sliders are becoming less and less common. We use stacked more. But there's two things we're doing here that I really like in this. And the first one is, images per stacked row on mobile. You can set it to be 1 or 2.
Now, this setting only works if you're choosing stacked. It doesn't work for slider. Obviously. So there we go. Now we can show two across instead of just one across. If I save that, go out to the front end, refresh. And there you see it. And the other one is something I've already had the settings set to. And you know, so you remember.
Here's what it looks like there. And the standard one. And that is you'll notice we're only showing one, three, five, seven and nine right. So here for block as we add images in we've got a checkbox here. Hide this image on stacked mobile display. Now if I uncheck that you'll see the two pops back in again. So one of the things you can do do on mobile compress your really long scrolling list right is you can set it to be two images.
The other thing is you can just take some of the images and not show them on mobile. And we think that gives you a lot better control over your mobile experience. Instead of having a really long list of scrolling images, to make it more concise and intuitive and easier for your customers because you can put different background colors on different galleries to make obvious you know which ones are connected.
You can put them two per row, and you can limit the number of images by selecting which ones are the least important ones that you don't want to show in mobile. So that's our JPG gallery section. Please check it out. Use it. We think it's a big improvement, especially on mobile.
Thanks for watching.
All right. In this video we're going to walk through the GP gallery section. So this section is very similar to the flex themes Gallery section with a couple of additional features. And the first one here is on desktop. So this section here is the GP gallery. And this section here is the normal flex theme gallery.
And they added ten images, the same ten images to both of them. And the first difference you see here is we're centering the extra elements or the ones where it doesn't flip a whole row. Those images are centered on the page versus left aligned. Now let's walk into the settings and show you a couple more things you can do here.
So here on the, GP gallery here, I just called GP Gallery. We also have the ability to have this heading. It's built right into, the section. So that it'll, it'll take the, fonts from the, the themes, font settings as opposed to the, the rich text, which I always do not like, the rich text element that comes with the theme, because you have to specify the font every time.
So the next thing on top of that is we have the ability now to add a background color. So let's just put a background color in and we use background colors a lot of humor to help differentiate between content. Now on desktop and things are more obvious. Like what's a group of things because you have a heading at the top and then that kind of stuff.
But on mobile it becomes more difficult to tell the difference. Right? So let's, save that background and let's just go out to the front end here and refresh. And here you can see, you know, this group is together with that heading all in the same background, where the standard element doesn't allow us to do that. Now we do a lot more also for options on mobile display.
And what we're finding is that horizontal scroll is becoming less and less intuitive for people. The more they get used to things like Instagram and TikTok or just scrolls forever. So I'm a big fan of using the stacked display on mobile. So let's just go to our mobile view here inside of the theme. All right. And we'll also here go to a mobile view.
Like so now down on the mobile area here right. We usually use stacked. Like I said sliders are becoming less and less common. We use stacked more. But there's two things we're doing here that I really like in this. And the first one is, images per stacked row on mobile. You can set it to be 1 or 2.
Now, this setting only works if you're choosing stacked. It doesn't work for slider. Obviously. So there we go. Now we can show two across instead of just one across. If I save that, go out to the front end, refresh. And there you see it. And the other one is something I've already had the settings set to. And you know, so you remember.
Here's what it looks like there. And the standard one. And that is you'll notice we're only showing one, three, five, seven and nine right. So here for block as we add images in we've got a checkbox here. Hide this image on stacked mobile display. Now if I uncheck that you'll see the two pops back in again. So one of the things you can do do on mobile compress your really long scrolling list right is you can set it to be two images.
The other thing is you can just take some of the images and not show them on mobile. And we think that gives you a lot better control over your mobile experience. Instead of having a really long list of scrolling images, to make it more concise and intuitive and easier for your customers because you can put different background colors on different galleries to make obvious you know which ones are connected.
You can put them two per row, and you can limit the number of images by selecting which ones are the least important ones that you don't want to show in mobile. So that's our JPG gallery section. Please check it out. Use it. We think it's a big improvement, especially on mobile.
Thanks for watching.